Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Second Coming: Thou Shalt Be Christ

Omg, "eating bread" is just participating in something. It's the same as "inviting someone into your house." Blessed are those who hunger for righteousness. Boom! Christ sets a righteous example and a multitude participated. There's also the "bread of wickedness" and the "bread of anxious toil." Wine goes with bread, like Eucharist and "bread of wickedness and wine of violence" -- I think it has to do with water into wine. The meditations of the heart, the thoughts of the mind, are a deep wellspring of water. Christ is all about focusing on the interior: clean inner-cup, private prayer, heart is with treasure, adultery in heart, of course, kingdom. Christ knew that from the heart flows everything we do. He says clean the inside, and the outside will follow. Therefore, to drink the wine that was water is to engage with your own thoughts and the inner self to clean the inside of the cup. The bread, of course, is something that can be imitated (as, of course, we are instructed to do). Thus, bread is body (outside), as he demonstrated righteous behavior, and wine is blood (inside), as he preached introspective cleaning. Therefore, Eucharist is Christlike behavior, and inner maintainable to keep the heart pure. If the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, how important it is to look within! Otherwise, the inside of the cup is unclean, however praiseworthy our conduct. The heart is the inside of the cup which holds the Spirit. The outside of the cup is the body and behavior. But the subtlest transition from inside the cup to outside the cup is from thought to word. All we are and do flows from the inside, out. If my thoughts are unclean, I am made likely to slip and say (or do) something unclean. But clean thoughts will always lead to clean words and clean actions, etc. First and foremost is looking within. Seek the kingdom first, the kingdom is within. More important than food and clothing! But the eye is the lamp, and if it causes you to stray, pluck it out, or your heart will be on worldliness, filled with darkness, hell-bound. If anything is distracting you from seeking the Kingdom of Heaven within, cut it out of your life completely. The kingdom is more important than food, and no distraction is more important than an eye. But serve one master, God, who is in Heaven. If anything hinders you from seeking the kingdom within, get rid of it. Sell everything you have and give it to the poor. Like birds, we can eat what is given and leftover. Like lilies, we can wear only one set of peddles. Like the Son of Man, we can be nomads. The right hand is the inside. The left hand is the outside. That alone, aside from all the other teachings, illuminates how much more favorably Christ felt about the inside than the outside: the right hand is a position of honor. Though a left and right hand function together, they are two separate independent things. We can hold something in one and not the other. It is not right, for instance, to blurt out every little thing that comes to your mind. The reward of salvation by purification that comes from praying for those who persecute you, will not come if your motive is to be praised. I can attest to that one personally. We are either motivated by vanity (wanting to be seen) or sincerity (wanting to forgive). Vanity requires publicity. Sincerity is prone to privacy. We are condemned by our hearts. Thus we are forgiven as we forgive. By praying for our persecutors, we purify our hearts. By praying for our persecutors, we purify our hearts. We also purify our heart by loving enemies, hating family, and being without material concerns. But none of that will purify the heart if it isn't done in sincerity, if it isn't (also) done privately. If I pray for my persecutors in public, there's a good chance I only want to be thought of as Christlike. But if I do it only in private, there is no motive to do it at all if it isn't sincere. In sincerity is where the magic happens. It is by walking in the light that the blood washes away sin (eternal life), and anyone has hatred walks in darkness, and abides in death. Thus, those who persecute us must be forgiven for our own sake.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes by starting by cleaning the inside without strong sincerity, one can be led to clean with sincerity.
