Human nature is deceitful, it continually claims it is good. But it always seeks its own gain as the purpose and result of its work, and it sees much gain can come from others. It rejoices at worldly gain and is depressed by worldly loss. It is greedy, it wants possessions and to take inventory of its property.
Spiritual nature has no pretense. It does all things for God. It is indifferent toward the world of the senses and craves contact with the Spirit influences within. It submits itself to a holy mental discipline. It does not desire to have dominion over any creature. It is always ready, for the love of God, to bow humbly before any creature. It accepts a humble estate. It does not want more temporal good than is necessary to win eternal life.
Human nature won’t easily die, be subjected, suppressed, or guided. It loves idleness and bodily rest. It is very frail. It fears rebuke and to be loathed. It is soon shaken by a sharp word. It loves the flesh, vanity, and the novelties of the world. It desires pleasant and unusual things. It gladly beholds the great things of the world.
Spiritual nature beholds everlasting things. It doesn’t trust worldly things and is not troubled by the loss of them. It is not grieved by harsh words. It has invested itself in spiritual things that do not perish. It is content with little. It is sympathetic and generous to the poor, innocent, and less-fortunate. It draws mankind to the love of Good, virtue, and delights in goodness.
Human nature desires praise and that its accomplishments be admired and well-known. It loves many friends and the flattery from a high birth and noble blood. It seeks to be distinguished and to be associated with distinguished people.
Spiritual nature doesn’t care for the vain praise of the world. It regards family birth as meaningless considering that we can all become God’s children. It doesn’t desire that its own virtue and devotion be known, but that the infinite love of God be known. It regards itself as nothing, but renders all to God, the source of everything it is.
Human nature promptly complains for the lack of every little thing it wants or any little worldly grief. It judges every little act and word of all it encounters and criticizes most of it, to make itself seem superior. It secretly delights in the short-comings of others and finds pleasure in resentment.
Spiritual nature rejoices in truth, and in the growth of virtue and goodness. It doesn’t regard its own opinion as preferable, but submits to righteous divine judgment. It knows that the greatest pleasures come from discovering eternal realities that make sensual pleasures meaningless and foolish by comparison. The Spiritual nature is a gift from God that lives inside our souls and seeks to influence our thoughts.
Human nature loves secrets and craves experiences of the world of outward senses. It worries incessantly, and looks for new things to worry about. It is always curious about the future as if knowing it would stop the worrying.
Spiritual nature trusts in God in all things, it finds nothing to worry about. The Spiritual nature doesn’t know how to worry.
Human nature argues and strives for itself. It refuses to be treated unfairly. It will fight for its rights. It will not spare anyone’s feelings.
Spiritual nature submits to the righteous judgment of God and is unconcerned by unfair worldly treatment because it knows something of the glories of spiritual reality. It endures all for Good. It will gladly suffer anything for the sake of love.
There are no shortcuts. We must win this inner struggle between our human and spiritual natures.
Spiritual nature is so vitally necessary to the health of the soul.
Human nature poisons the soul.
Spiritual nature allows us to resist becoming slaves to human nature.
Human nature is the strong force;
Spiritual nature is the weak force. Yet reflective human reason can see the validity of spiritual nature; it can see the difference between good and evil, truth and falsehood.
There is nothing wrong with humans being human beings as long as we strive for the more noble reactions of the Spiritual nature.
Who are you? Both. You are the parent and the child, teacher and student, doctor and patient. “Physician heal thyself.”
Spiritual nature is with us, it is our strength, our counsel and help. It is ultimately stronger than all enemies, wiser than the wisest, the master of truth, the teacher of discipline, the light of the heart, the comfort of trouble, the banisher of desolation, the avoider of dread, the nourisher of devotion, and the bearer of sweet tears. It goes before us and follows us. It is the Way that cannot be made foul, the Truth that cannot be deceived, and the Life that cannot end.
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