Sunday, July 8, 2012

Haiku Hour: Day 2 (Total: 37)

Haiku round two, bitch
Coming at you super slick
Hip hop on the brain

Someone from the past
It's been a long time, my friend
What's your name again?

In the world of jobs
Occupation, Profession
Occupy no cash

Sneaky old people
They get away with murder
But they have candy

To make yourself laugh
Is the greatest of all joys
What else could you need!

I just realized
No rhetorical questions
Have a question mark

Doctor Evil's dad
Invented the question mark
Obscure reference

Syllable number
Is it two or is it three
In the word reference

I'll just make it both
It can't logically be both
Logic can suck it

Yes, I can do that
Philosophy of science
Willard Orman Quine

The web of belief
Logic is dropped if need be
Think Schrödinger's cat

This hour seem long
I was having so much fun
Now it is a chore

But I will not stop
I am beyond determined
What's the point again?

Fun to pull a twist
I'm like M. Knight Shyamalan
The sixth sense was good

Parents teach their kids
Let the children lead the way
They know how to learn

A rigid structure
Will destroy something inside
No more sense of self

They will pass it on
Children's children dead inside
For generations

And now here we are
No sense of self no strong hearts
Perpetual war

We hate each other
For now we stand divided
How long til we fall

Is this not our fate
I know we could stop it all
But no peace of mind

Peace of mind will yield
Sense of self and strength of heart
Thus, meditation

By meditation
We can see inside ourselves
The Son is inside

Are not epistles
Littered with references
Of the Christ within

Why then do you judge
The justified in scripture
Fellow Christians

They have lost the way
They claim it and grasp at it
Close your eyes to see

They see with their eyes
So they are easy to fool
The mind is an eye

How blind they all are!
Yet they think themselves the light
The sun can blind us

The land of the blind
The one eyed man is murdered
Two eyed men stay mute

I must have one eye
I cannot seem to shut up
Psych ward, no casket

Perhaps one point five
I only want to help share
Your joy is my joy

I would strike the sun
The whale is my destiny
Captain of my soul

A map without a legend
We become legend

This is the well spring
In the last place you would look
Where it is darkest

This is no bullshit
I have seen the sun and moon
They are one, not two

Morning Evening Star
Modern man calls ancients fools
They were geniuses

Do you think they thought
Light could exist with no source
My God, we are dumb

The reason is this
We like to think ourselves smart
This is ignorance

It is so fucked up
Yell at someone for laughing
You bring death to joy

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Haiku Hour: Day 1 (Total: 30)

One Hour Haiku
Experiment in training
Test hypothesis

I must be more clear
Our words have so much power
Use them carefully

Write in head before
These will suck until I don't
Patient victory

How many Haikus
The patron saint of writing
Demands sacrifice

Is it good to walk?
Do our thoughts move swiftly then?
Or should I just sit?

Had to take a break
The scent of the morning air
Begged my attention

I just told a lie
I really needed coffee
But it sounded good

This new location
And this delicious coffee
May just do the trick

After this I read
Keep going til my eyes bleed
Haha that just rhymed

They say follow bliss
Joy is easier to find
Seek bliss anyway

God is written word
If we think before we speak
Written word is God

My mind is in tune
Haiku form is natural
That was too easy

And for my next trick
I will tell you a secret
We are the mountain

We move here and there
Unconscious thought dictates path
Watch mind carefully

I will shit my pants
If it turns out I am right
Ye of little faith

I rehash old thoughts
To make them strong and sticky
They become ideas

Wisdom from the peaks
Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu, more
God is west meets east

Secular wisdom
Has a patron saint as well
His name is Einstein

Where to go with this
I want a bigger challenge
Discipline comes first

Kitsch conversation
I hear it all around me
I can solve problems

My focus is lost
God dammit I hate brain freeze
Damn you ice coffee

Fifteen more minutes
And I can read my haikus
And I look forward

Two lines with one word
Aesthetically displeasing
I need more practice

I need to slow down
Quality not quantity
That is the best way

A man walked by me
"I predicted you were here"
Another man smiles

Concentrate Focus
Any and all distractions
They are behind me

Clear mind is the way
Calm and serene beyond all
Look and see God's face

There is only one
Many claim to know, but don't
Many don't, but do

And this is God's will
Open eyes are final word
But few will attain

It is time to go
I must see my family
I'm late as it is