Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Problem of Evil (original)

Really bad stuff happens, evil stuff. but why?

the Christians like to paint a portrait of God as being: 
-- All-knowing ~ All-powerful ~ All-loving --

Yet bad stuff happens every day...

- If he is really All-Powerful he could stop it. 
- If he is All-Loving he would want to stop it.
- If he is All-Knowing he would know how to stop it.

so how can it be the case that God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolet (powerful, knowing, loving) while terrible things still happen to us, and other people, all the time?

a) There really is no God 
b) God is evil sometimes 

Answer: B
He is evil in the same way that our Parents used to be evil... 
when they told us "No" when we wanted a new toy sometimes. 
when we went to time-out, or we got spanked when we were bad.

Toys = are the things we want but cannot have.
Timeout = is a moderate inconvenience (to guide us in the right direction).
Spankings = are the painful things that happen in life (physical & emotional).

A good parent (a Good God) teaches right from wrong. Once you learn, all good things happen.